How to Make a Sleep Aid Sachet

How to Make a Sleep Aid Sachet

If you toss and turn and have trouble falling asleep, this herbal sachet will help. Many of the herbs, namely Valerian and
, have soothing, calming properties to help you relax and are natural sleep remedies. Not only is it fragrant, it is a healthy alternative to sleeping pills and other medicines.Stick this sachet under your pillow for sweet, restful slumber.

Things You'll Need:

1 cup mugwort

1/2 cup rose petals

1/4 cup lemon balm seeds

1/4 cup flax seed

1/3 cup lavender buds

1/3 cup crushed catnip

1/4 cup valerian

1/4 cup peppermint

10 drops lavender essential oil

Large organza or cotton cloth bag or two pieces of 6 X 12 cloth to make a bag





Mix mugwort, rose petals, lemon balm seed, flax seed, lavender buds,
, valerian and peppermint together in a bowl.


Plan to sew three sides together, leaving the top of the bag open, if you're making the bag. Make seams by folding 1/2 inch under on each side and sew together.


Stuff herbal mixture inside bag. Add 10 drops of lavender essential oil.


Gather the top of the bag together and tie tightly with ribbon. If desired, you may sew the top of the bag and create a pillow instead.


Put the sachet under your pillow.

Tips & Warnings

To refresh your sachet, untie the top of the bag and add fresh drops of essential oil every month or so. Or you can apply the drops directly to the bag and let it dry. Experiment with
, cinnamon and lemon balm oils. These oils have soothing and relaxing properties.

If allergic to any of the herbs, do not use.