How to Make a Simple Herbal Tincture

How to Make a Simple Herbal Tincture

Herbal tinctures can be costly at the health food store. They can be made at home for a fraction of the cost and at the same time assuring the quality of the ingredients.

Things You'll Need:

Dried or Fresh Herb plant of your choice

Litre of vodka (this can be the cheapest or the most expensive depending upon need and availability)

Glass jars with tight fitting lids (Canning jars work well)

A dark storage space

A wire mesh strainer

Small dropper bottles for finished product.


Chop the herb plant of your choice into small pieces.


Fill the glass jar completely with the chopped herb.


Fill the jar with vodka to one half inch below the rim.


Place the lid on the jar and tighten.


Place the jar in a dark cabinet and allow to sit for at least three months. The longer it is allowed to rest, the higher potency the tincture will become.


Pour tincture through a tight wire mesh strainer to remove the herbs.


Store the tincture in small dropper bottles until ready for use.

Tips & Warnings

Colored bottles work best for storing tinctures.

Single herbs work best in tinctures, i.e., Echinacea root, ginger, Black Cohosh, etc.

Fresh herbs work best, but dried herbs are available in most health food stores.

Consult any good herb book for dosages and side effects before taking any herbal tincture.

Check with your doctor before taking any herbal remedy. Some herbs react with prescribed medications.