How to Make Aspirin

How to Make Aspirin

The small aspirin tablets you purchase at the grocery store are a synthetic version of a natural remedy used for thousands of years to relieve pain and reduce fevers. With evidence that Native Americans, as well as early Europeans, extracted salicylates from varieties of willow
, the common aspirin today has a long history. By using various methods of extraction, you can make your own natural aspirin.

Things You'll Need:

White willow tree bark

Dried white willow bark powder



Kitchen pan and utensils

Fine mesh strainer

Small dark glass bottle with stopper


Gather the fresh and supple branches of the white willow tree where it thrives, usually near a source of water. These are the easiest to harvest and you can nip or cut them and store them in a zip-type plastic bag until you get home. Learn more about the properties of the White Willow tree (see resources).


Wash the branches thoroughly and cut into small sections before crushing the stems to expose the inner bark.


Measure the bark pieces and use half that amount of water. For instance, if you have two cups of white willow bark chunks, you will use one cup of water.


Boil water in a pan and remove from heat. Immediately add the willow branch chunks and cover with a tight-fitting lid. Allow the mixture to sit, undisturbed for a couple of hours.


Strain and save the liquid in a dark glass bottle in the refrigerator. This simple natural aspirin tincture keeps up to one week.


Use vodka instead of water for a stronger salicylate extract. It takes longer to make but has a shelf life of one year. Instead of boiling, pack the willow chunks tightly in a glass canning jar and add enough vodka just to cover the bark. Fit with a tight lid and store in a dark cool location (not the refrigerator) for three weeks. Drain and pour the liquid into a dark glass bottle and store away from heat and sunlight.


Open and stir one capsule of dried white willow bark, found at health food stores, in a cup of water or tea. Willow bark has a bitter, disagreeable taste, so add a little honey if it’s difficult to drink.


Learn to use accepted herbal methods for extracting beneficial salicylates from White Willow. Herbalists use not only extracts made from the bark and powdered bark, they create decoctions, infusions and tinctures, depending upon the desired strength of the product and the items on hand (see resources).

Tips & Warnings

Take safety precautions. The bark of the white willow contains salicylates that are absorbed through the skin. Some people are allergic to natural aspirin; even touching the bark may result in redness and a rash. If you have symptoms of a salicylate allergy, do not make or consume natural aspirin products.

Avoid giving natural aspirin to
under 18. Just like its synthetic cousin, the salicylates in natural aspirin can increase the risk of Reye’s syndrome in children.

How to Make Arthritis Rub.

How to Make Arthritis Rub.

Arthritis pain can slow down a day and herbal rub can really help with pain. However, homemade arthritis rub can have the same benefits. Follow the steps below to make your own.

Things You'll Need:

14 drops lavender essential oil

10 drops Rosemary essential oil

8 drops Peppermint essential oil

6 drops juniper essential oil

1tsp. Carrot seed oil

2tbls. St. John's Wort oil

2 tbs. vegetable oil.

Small glass bottle(larger then 2 oz).


Pour the essential oils into the glass bottle.


Add the carrot seed to the bottle and mix well.


Add the St. John's Wort and the vegetable oil to the bottle.


Shake the bottle gently to mix and label.

Tips & Warnings

To use, add a small amount mixture to painful or swollen joints two to three times a day while in pain.

Many people that use this recipe report the homemade arthritis rub has the same or better effects of the store bought brand.

Soothing and cooling effects should happen withing a few minutes of use.

How to make a tea that is great for when you have a soar throat or running nose

How to make a tea that is great for when you have a soar throat or running nose

this tea always helps me when im sick so i hope it helps you too.

Things You'll Need:

2 cups of water

1 big pinch of chamomile

1 euclaliptus leave

1 pinch of mullein flowers

1 cinamon stick

1/2 cup of dried oregano


put the water on a saucepan or any pan where you usually boil water.


the put all of the other ingredients in the sauce pan. feel free to add a s much oregano as you like. remember the the key ingridient here is oregano.


turn the stove on to high/medium, then let it come to a boil.


once it is boiling turn off the stove. then place a cup on the table and place a powder sugar spoon or a small colander on top of the cup and carefully and slowly pour the hot water over the colander. remember that the water is very hot so be careful not to burn yourself. once you have seperated the ingredients and the water you can add sugar or honey if desired to give it a sweet taste.

How to Make a Tea Blend for Healthy Bones

How to Make a Tea Blend for Healthy Bones

As we age, there is the worry that our bones will become brittle and unhealthy. Granted, much of our bone health relies on how they developed when we were
. However, a diet that is rich in the proper nutrients can help us increase our bone health even today.

The problem is that our modern diet tends to be depleted of these minerals. Of course, we could always take mineral supplements. However, I much prefer to drink tea to get what I need. It's a lot easier on my stomach.

To help, I've come up with a tea blend that is designed to keep the bones healthy and strong.

Things You'll Need:

2 tbsp. Stinging nettle leaves

2 tbsp. Oatstraw

1 tbsp. Silica

1 tbsp. Spearmint leaves

1 tbsp. Chamomile flowers

1 tsp. Sage leaves

Airtight container


Make sure you find the best herbs you can. You may have a favorite herbal shop in your area. I personally order the herbs online at Mountain Rose Herbs. I've included a link in Resources below.


In a small mixing bowl, add all of the herbs. Stir gently with a wooden spoon.


Transfer herbs to the airtight container and store in a cool, dry place.


When it comes time to make a cup of tea, pour one cup of boiling water over one teaspoon of the dried herb. Let it steep for 15 to 20 minutes before drinking. You can sweeten it with honey if you like.

Tips & Warnings

Always choose the best herbs that you can find.

You may want to shake the container slightly once you put it in the container.

If you need help finding the herbs listed, I've provided a link to my favorite supplier in Resources below.

If you feel as if your bones are getting brittle, be sure to see a doctor and let him or her know about this tea blend.

How to Make a Stress Ball

How to Make a Stress Ball

Stress balls help relieve stress while improving circulation. These are easy and economical to make.

Things You'll Need:

Helium quality balloon

Plastic juice bottle (the size of a pop bottle)

Kitchen scissors

Approximately 1/3 cup whole wheat flour

Plastic spoon or fork

(Optional) Permanent Marker

(Optional) Yarn


Create a funnel by cutting off the top of a plastic juice bottle with kitchen scissors.


Open the end of the balloon rolling it up the top of the opening of the plastic bottle as far as possible creating a snug fit.


Measure out approximately 1/3 cup of flour pouring it through your makeshift funnel directly into the balloon' s opening.


Use the handle of your plastic ware, or wooden spoon to gently slide the corn meal down into the belly of the balloon until you reach your
desired fullness, kneading the neck of the balloon moving the meal into the belly of the balloon.


Pinch the neck of the balloon, moving the remaining flour into the balloon, as you carefully remove the funnel from the opening.


Tie the end of the balloon tightly in a knot.


Draw a face on your balloon, if desired. This is where you get to be creative. Tie yarn around the knot to create a wild hairdo.

Tips & Warnings

You can draw a face or write a short message with a permanent marker.

If creating stress balls with
scissors need to be used with supervision, and balloons can be hazardous for small children.

How to Make a Spring Liver Cleanse Tea

How to Make a Spring Liver Cleanse Tea

Even though I am not a proponent of cleanses and fasts, I believe that spring is the season when we need to be nice to our livers. The winter is filled with heavy eating and holiday drinking. And even when it is several months behind us, our livers are still a little frazzled. If this is the case, this is a barrier that will prevent you from losing the extra winter weight.

Instead of "cleansing" or "detoxing" I prefer to take care of the liver gently--so I create a tea blend with dried herbs that is designed to do just that. Read on for how to prepare it yourself.

Things You'll Need:

2 tbsp. stinging nettle leaves

2 tbsp. dandelion leaves

1 tbsp. burdock root

1 tbsp. spearmint

Sweetner of choice (optional)

Boiling Water

Small bowl


Airtight container


Add all of the ingredients to the bowl and mix gently with the chopsticks.


Transfer to an airtight container--preferably made of glass and dark in color.


Cover tightly and store in a cool, dry place.


When it is time to make the tea, steep 1.5 teaspoons for every cup of boiling water. Strain, sweeten to taste and enjoy!

Tips & Warnings

Make sure the herbs are high quality.

You can pick your own dandelion leaves before the plant flowers. Just dry them out before you put them in the tea.

You can also take milk thistle capsules to supplement the tea.

If you suspect something is seriously wrong with your liver, see a doctor.

How to Make a Sleep Aid Sachet

How to Make a Sleep Aid Sachet

If you toss and turn and have trouble falling asleep, this herbal sachet will help. Many of the herbs, namely Valerian and
, have soothing, calming properties to help you relax and are natural sleep remedies. Not only is it fragrant, it is a healthy alternative to sleeping pills and other medicines.Stick this sachet under your pillow for sweet, restful slumber.

Things You'll Need:

1 cup mugwort

1/2 cup rose petals

1/4 cup lemon balm seeds

1/4 cup flax seed

1/3 cup lavender buds

1/3 cup crushed catnip

1/4 cup valerian

1/4 cup peppermint

10 drops lavender essential oil

Large organza or cotton cloth bag or two pieces of 6 X 12 cloth to make a bag





Mix mugwort, rose petals, lemon balm seed, flax seed, lavender buds,
, valerian and peppermint together in a bowl.


Plan to sew three sides together, leaving the top of the bag open, if you're making the bag. Make seams by folding 1/2 inch under on each side and sew together.


Stuff herbal mixture inside bag. Add 10 drops of lavender essential oil.


Gather the top of the bag together and tie tightly with ribbon. If desired, you may sew the top of the bag and create a pillow instead.


Put the sachet under your pillow.

Tips & Warnings

To refresh your sachet, untie the top of the bag and add fresh drops of essential oil every month or so. Or you can apply the drops directly to the bag and let it dry. Experiment with
, cinnamon and lemon balm oils. These oils have soothing and relaxing properties.

If allergic to any of the herbs, do not use.

How to Make a Simple Herbal Tincture

How to Make a Simple Herbal Tincture

Herbal tinctures can be costly at the health food store. They can be made at home for a fraction of the cost and at the same time assuring the quality of the ingredients.

Things You'll Need:

Dried or Fresh Herb plant of your choice

Litre of vodka (this can be the cheapest or the most expensive depending upon need and availability)

Glass jars with tight fitting lids (Canning jars work well)

A dark storage space

A wire mesh strainer

Small dropper bottles for finished product.


Chop the herb plant of your choice into small pieces.


Fill the glass jar completely with the chopped herb.


Fill the jar with vodka to one half inch below the rim.


Place the lid on the jar and tighten.


Place the jar in a dark cabinet and allow to sit for at least three months. The longer it is allowed to rest, the higher potency the tincture will become.


Pour tincture through a tight wire mesh strainer to remove the herbs.


Store the tincture in small dropper bottles until ready for use.

Tips & Warnings

Colored bottles work best for storing tinctures.

Single herbs work best in tinctures, i.e., Echinacea root, ginger, Black Cohosh, etc.

Fresh herbs work best, but dried herbs are available in most health food stores.

Consult any good herb book for dosages and side effects before taking any herbal tincture.

Check with your doctor before taking any herbal remedy. Some herbs react with prescribed medications.

How to Make A Salt Scrub

How to Make A Salt Scrub

Salt of any kind not only helps to slough off dead skin and smooth the skin but also to rejuvenate the soul. In Pranic Healing, salt is used as a spiritual cleanser.

Things You'll Need:

Sea Salt or Regular Ionized Salt

Sesame Oil

Almond Oil

Coconut Oil

Essential Oils, such as Lavender, Patchouli, Lemon, Neroli, Ylang-Ylang, Peppermint, Rosemary


Pour 2 cups of salt into a large mixing bowl.


Add approximately 1 Tbsp of each oil (sesame, almond and coconut).


Add 10 to 15 drops of your favorite blend of essential oils, such as 3 drops
, 3 drops ylang-ylang, 2 drops neroli and 2 drops lemon.


Mix with a fork until salt appears light and fluffy. You may need to add a spoon full more sesame oil.


Pour mixture into a clean, reused glass jar. One with the same size lid as the jar is preferable.


After your shower, turn the water off for a moment to massage the salt into the body. Scrub face gently.


Quickly rinse in cool water removing the salt and leaving the hint of oil on your skin.

Tips & Warnings

Making your own body salt is not only fun but a great way to treat yourself to an inexpensively spa treatment right at home.

You can also drop a few tablespoons into your bath for a relaxing indulgence.

How to Use Naturopathy to Treat Food Allergies

How to Use Naturopathy to Treat Food Allergies

Wheezing, cramping or nausea can plague those with food allergies. But these symptoms can supposedly be managed and your immune-system health restored with professional treatment and ongoing self-awareness and self-care. Naturopathy is a health system that many feel are well-suited to the task, with its mission to treat the cause of disorders by relying more on natural methods and less on drugs. A naturopathic physician can diagnose food allergies, isolate their origins and try to help you restore your equilibrium.

Things You'll Need:

Access to a naturopathic physician

Access to whole foods

Get Tested for Food Allergies


Confirm any suspicion that you have a food allergy by seeing an allergist or naturopathic physician. Let them know if food allergies run in your family or whether you have experienced symptoms such as hives or wheezing.


Have your doctor perform an ELISA. This is a food allergen assessment that many naturopaths use. It tests your antibody levels.


Continue to narrow down the cause of your allergy symptoms, if necessary, by following your doctor's directions on food removal and reintroduction into your diet.

Treat Your Allergies With Naturopathy


Consult a naturopathic practitioner to improve and maintain your health. Food allergies can produce long-term symptoms, such as asthma and intestinal or skin disorders, that may heal or need to be managed over time. Follow your doctor's advice on diet and lifestyle changes. He or she may prescribe moderately priced vitamins or nutritional supplements to use to counteract the damage caused by food allergies.


Avoid reactions to known food allergens by eliminating them from your diet. Be conscious of what you eat at home, and be sure to ask questions about ingredients when you eat out so you don't accidentally ingest a food you shouldn't have.


Continue to repair the damage done from your food allergies. Use organic vegetables, free-range meats and dairy products from naturally raised cows for optimum immune-system health. Buy a whole-foods cookbook to help you maintain your health.


Learn more about naturopathy and the various methods it uses to treat food allergies and other conditions at the naturopathy page of the National Women's Health Resource Center Web site (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

Awareness is key in managing food allergies. Read food labels and ask questions in restaurants to be sure to avoid trigger foods.

Some food allergies can cause severe reactions or even death. Seek emergency treatment immediately if you suspect an allergic reaction is making you feel warm or dizzy, or if you have violent sneezing or trouble breathing.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Use Naturopathy to Treat Digestive Problems

How to Use Naturopathy to Treat Digestive Problems

It makes sense to treat digestive problems at the source--diet, environment and state of mind. These factors contribute to the health of your immune system and digestive tract. Digestion is how the body transports food energy to the cells. Naturopathy, a health science that focuses on natural, limited-drug care, aims to gently and effectively treat breakdowns in the digestive process that result in symptoms such as heartburn and diarrhea.

Things You'll Need:

Access to a naturopathic practitioner

Reliable literature on naturopathic self-care

Know Digestive Health Threats


Learn how allergies or toxins can contribute to digestive-tract disorders, resulting in obesity, skin problems or more advanced illness, such as ulcers or irritable bowel syndrome. Find information on natural treatment via The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (see Resources below).


Seek the cause of your symptoms for prevention and early treatment. See a naturopathic practitioner or use the American Gastroenterology Association Web site (see Resources below) to find out which issues regarding digestive health may apply to you.

Use Naturopathy for Treatment and Prevention


Ask a practitioner how naturopathy can incorporate nutrition and lifestyle improvements to treat digestive symptoms. Expect analysis of your diet plus your work, play and sleep habits.


Get a professional diagnosis and follow your practitioner's advice to combat allergies, bacteria or nutrition deficiencies. Expect to alter your diet and take moderately priced herbs or supplements geared toward your individual symptoms.


Cut stress and reduce toxins to restore normal digestive function. Consult books or periodicals (see Resources below) and find out how to use hydrotherapy (hot baths or colonic treatments), dietary supplements like acidophilus, and relaxation techniques, such as meditation and massage.

Tips & Warnings

Stay healthy
by eating more raw fruits and vegetables.

Eat whole grains, such as wheat breads or brown rice, instead of white breads or rice.

Keep your digestive enzyme level high by adding papaya, pineapple or sprouts to your diet.

Consult your doctor about changes to your diet.

If you experience sharp intestinal or heartburn-type pains, visit a doctor or hospital emergency room.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Use Naturopathy to Treat Attention Deficit Disorder

How to Use Naturopathy to Treat Attention Deficit Disorder

People with ADD often have trouble relaxing or calming themselves down. Naturopathy is said to treat ADD symptoms like these through the use of relatively inexpensive herbal remedies, relaxation techniques and other holistic methods. Naturopathy is a system of medicine that uses natural healing processes to treat and prevent many common ailments.

Things You'll Need:

Access to a medical doctor (M.D.) or naturopathic practitioner (N.D. or D.N.M)

Learn About Attention Deficit Disorder


Learn about ADD symptoms, such as difficulty in concentrating and following directions, from books and Web sites (see Resources below) before using naturopathy to treat attention deficit disorder. Learning about ADD beforehand will help you understand how the condition is commonly diagnosed and treated. Be aware that ADD manifests differently in
and adults.


See a traditional or naturopathic physician for diagnosis if you suspect you or a family member have attention deficit disorder.

Learn How Naturopathy Can Treat ADD


Use naturopathy to treat the ADD according to its cause. Naturopathy addresses physical, emotional and social issues connected with the condition. Learn how to self-treat in all of these areas at Naturopathy Online (see Resources below).


Consider your diet. Diets high in refined carbohydrates (sugar) and low in essential vitamins and minerals may heighten ADD symptoms. Consult a naturopathic practitioner for ways to alter what you eat and add natural supplements to your diet that will mitigate the effects of the condition.


Use therapies or modalities to promote relaxation and manage stress, such as chiropractic, massage, acupuncture or hydrotherapy. A naturopathic practitioner can tell you what will best ease your ADD symptoms.


Consider lifestyle changes to treat ADD naturally. Working or relating to people in small groups or one-on-one can assist listening and focus. A quiet area that is dedicated to work reduces distractions.

Tips & Warnings

Confirm your diagnosis before beginning naturopathic treatment.

Naturopathic treatment addresses recurring ADD symptoms such as forgetfulness, distraction and inability to focus on tasks. Visit the hospital if you experience breathing problems, dizziness or other illness in addition to these symptoms.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Use Naturopathy to Relieve Menopause Symptoms

How to Use Naturopathy to Relieve Menopause Symptoms

Many women seek to relieve menopause symptoms but are unable or unwilling to use traditional medical therapy--or they want a more natural remedy for their individual conditions. Naturopathy offers alternatives to drug treatment for hot flashes, depression, fatigue and related conditions, such as osteoporosis. Naturopathy is a medical discipline that uses nutrition, herbal supplements and the body's own mechanisms to supposedly treat a variety of conditions, including menopause.

Things You'll Need:

Access to a medical doctor or naturopathic practitioner

Recognize Menopause Symptoms


Educate yourself on how your body is changing and the effects you'll notice at the U.S. Health & Human Services Web site (see Resources below). Not all women experience menopause symptoms, and different women experience different symptoms to different degrees. Keep track of your recurring issues so that you'll know what symptoms to relieve with naturopathy.


Acknowledge and learn about the secondary effects of menopause, such as osteoporosis, increased heart-disease risk and memory loss, that can be mitigated or prevented through treatment.


Consult your doctor or a naturopathic practitioner to assess your well-being and determine which factors of your health can be attributed to menopause, rather than another condition. Discuss treatment options.

Treat Menopause Symptoms Naturally


Use moderately priced herbal medicines, such as soy or red clover products, to counter hormonal changes. See a doctor of naturopathy for advice and dosages.


Change your diet to relieve some symptoms. Learn more about optimum nutrition for menopausal women from books such as "Eat Well for a Healthy Menopause: The Low-Fat, High Nutrition Guide" (see Resources below).


Make lifestyle choices to keep cholesterol in control and your fitness level high. Cut fat in your diet and make time for regular aerobic exercise. Walking is a great way to start.


Reduce physical and mental stress through massage, acupuncture, chiropractic or hydrotherapy. Ask a friend or an alternative health care center for a referral.


Find out more about naturopathy from the Web site of the Association of Naturopathic Physicians (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

Always let your doctor know if you use herbal supplements.

If you experience symptoms more acute than general fatigue or a passing rise in temperature, such as chest pain or dizziness, see your doctor.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Use Meditation Stones

How to Use Meditation Stones

The New Age movement has integrated the ancient Eastern concept of "chakras," or energy centers within the body, with meditation using colored stones that are thought to heal and replenish the body's depleted energy reserves. Meditation stones are also used to increase the efficacy of meditation, allowing practitioners to combat stress, sleep better and raise their energy levels.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

A set of chakra stones

Understand the Concept of Chakras


Know that the concept of chakras
back thousands and thousands of years, pre-dating science and therefore using "ways of knowing" that differ from modern scientific techniques.


Understand the 7 basic chakras: Sahasrara (crown), Ajna (third eye), Vishuddha (throat), Anahata (heart/lung), Manipura (solar plexus), Swadhisthana (genitals) and Muladhara (root).


Locate each of the 7 basic chakras on your own body. Consult the ChakraEnergy Web site (see Resources below) for a good overview and diagrams with their locations.


Familiarize yourself with the type of bodily energy associated with each chakra.


Learn each of the 7 basic chakra's corresponding color. Following the order given previously, these are white or violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red, respectively.

Meditate Using Stones


Obtain a set of chakra stones. A basic set includes 7 stones, with one corresponding to each colo.


Stretch before you begin to meditate. Many practitioners find yoga exercises useful.


Assume your meditation posture. Make sure to keep your back straight to ensure energy can readily flow throughout your body.


Regulate your breathing. Some adherents prefer to both inhale and exhale through the nose, some prefer to use the mouth, some inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Whatever you choose, keep it consistent.


Take the first colored meditation stone in your hand. Imagine its color as vividly as you can, focusing on the chakra it corresponds to.


Visualize the color entering you through its corresponding chakra, and penetrating the totality of your body.


Use the stone to touch any part of your body in particular need of that chakra's healing energy.


Repeat this process for each of the 7 chakras. Perform as often as necessary to invoke a sense of relaxed awareness and replenished bodily energy.

Tips & Warnings

Expect the cost of chakra stones to be very affordable.

Meditation is not recommended for use in lieu of proper medical attention. If you have chronic pain or persistent symptoms of a medical condition, do not self-diagnose or self-treat. Consult a physician.

How to Find Flattering Plus Size Clothes

How to Find Flattering Plus Size Clothes

Just because you wear plus size clothing doesn't mean that you can't be stylish while doing so. There are many stylish options available in all sizes, including plus sizes. By following a few steps, you can find flattering plus size clothes. You can even do so without a huge budget.


Decide how much money you want to spend on your clothes. Some retailers charge more for plus size clothing, however that isn't the case for all retailers. By setting a budget, you can shop online for flattering plus size clothing without fear of spending too much money. Budget an amount of money they you can afford, whether you give yourself a weekly, monthly or one-time budget.


Take into account your body style. If you are pear-shaped and carry your weight in the lower half of your body, select clothes that accentuate your top half to create a balanced look. Blouses in bright colors, prints, or with detailed necklines are excellent for pear-shaped women. Match the tops with a solid, dark colored skirt or pants in a fitted but not clingy style. If you carry your weight up top and are thinner on the bottom half, do the reverse. Accentuate your lower half with flowing skirts, detailed jeans and wide-leg trousers.


Choose tunics or A-line dresses if you carry your weight in the middle (apple-shaped). They will skim over your mid-section, camouflaging your flaws. For voluptuous hour-glass shaped women, wear clothing that draw the eyes to your waist. Belts and fitted waists are a must.


Consider shopping at the JessicaLondon website where you can find great clothing in plus sizes (see Resources below). The website has clothing in sizes 14W to 34W and has everything from shirts and blouses to jackets and blazers. You can also find flattering swimwear on the website. On the website, you can place your orders and have it shipped to your home. You can also call to place your order by dialing (800) 781-9172.


Look over the LaneBryant website to find great deals on plus size clothing (see Resources below). LaneBryant's collection is very flattering and really caters to the plus size crowd. The website is constantly having sales and you can oftentimes find the cheapest options for classy plus size clothing on this website. You can easily order online from their huge catalog of clothing.


Shop at the Avenue website (see Resources below). At the Avenue website, you can find more daring plus size pieces. In addition to plus size swimwear, the Avenue website also has a great selection of plus size lingerie.


Decide on the plus size clothing that makes the best sense for you, both in terms of style and cost. You can order your items online from the comfort of your own home. Just following the simple instructions and enter your shipping and billing information, including your credit card number and details. You clothes should arrive within a week.

How to Find Fashionable Jeans

How to Find Fashionable Jeans

Let's face it. Denim is here to stay, and most of us like it that way. Jeans have been a fashion staple for decades. Every year, dozens of existing denim labels are updated and dozens of new ones are born. But how, in a sea of denim, does a woman find fashionable jeans that will actually fit? It is actually much easier than you might think if you know what features, styles and brands to look for. The steps below will guide you through the process so that you can come out on the other end with the perfect pair of jeans.

Things You'll Need:

An idea of the type and color of jeans you like

A list of your existing denim pieces with which you might want to match your jean choices

Pictures cut from magazines and other sources of the jean fits and/or styles that you like

A tape measure


Pens or pencils


Begin by taking your waist measurement. Be sure that you measure the narrowest part of your waist and that the tape measure isn't pulled too tight or left too loose. An accurate measurement is crucial.


Next, measure your hips. Be sure that you measure the fullest part of the hips and that the tape measure isn't pulled too tight or left too loose. Again, accuracy in this measurement is key to finding the right jean fit.


Measure your inseam. This is the inside of your leg from the top of your inner thigh to the bottom part of your ankle. While it is possible to alter the jean inseam anywhere from one to two inches, depending upon where you like your jeans to fall, you still need an accurate inseam measurement.


Measure your leg length from the top of the narrowest portion of your waist to the bottom portion of your ankle. Oddly enough, in some cases the inseam length isn't sufficient. You also need to know how long your leg is overall for certain types, styles and jean brands.


Measure the "rise" area between the narrowest portion of your waist to the inside of your inner thigh. This will help you determine the proper rise of jean to try on for your particular figure.


Measure your legs' thighs and calves. Be sure to measure the fullest portion of those features. Some jeans simply aren't made for women with larger legs. Having this measurements on hand while jean shopping will help you eliminate them without having to try them on.


Armed with your measurements, you are ready to shop for jeans. This can be accomplished locally, online or even through television retailers, as long as you know what you are looking for. Begin by deciding the type of waist that you want on your jeans. Medium to high waists help to flatten the stomach area, make the legs look longer (key to those with shorter legs) and can give you a curvier look overall. Medium to slightly low rise jeans, just below the belly button, can help prevent the dreaded "muffin-top" look as well. They also tend to be more comfortable in the standard sitting position. Low rise waists are great if you have a flat tummy that you want to show off, but they simply aren't right on every woman. Short-waisted women should look for jeans that are more like a trouser-cut. Slash pockets, along with a lower waist, will elongate the overall look.


Pay close attention to the width of the thigh area. Women with perfect legs can pull off a lot of styles that in today's marketplace. However, few women have perfect legs. Slim fitting looks and skinny jeans should be left to those super slim, skinny-legged women. Those women with normal to fuller thighs will look better in boot-cut, flare or wide-legged jeans. Look for a shape that will help you balance out your figure; not make it look off-kilter.


Look at length. The length you choose for jeans will be dependent upon your measurements AND how you intend to wear your jeans. For example, if you predominantly wear flats or sneakers, then stick with lengths that match your leg measurements and where you want your jeans to hit (such as at the ankle or down to the floor). On the other hand, if you plan to wear them with boots or heels, then you must take into consideration the height of those shoes in choosing the right jean length for you. Women with short legs should look for lower rises and narrow legs that hit at the bottom of the ankle. Avoid longer lengths that bunch up and super skinny legs that taper at the bottom. To lengthen the leg even further, wear heels to give a more elongated look. Women with longer legs can often wear just about anything. However, some may choose to avoid shorter rises, cropped lengths and wide legs that can make the legs look overly long. Instead, choose a narrow leg with a mid-rise. This will help to create a balance proportion between the top and bottom.


Keep your shape in mind in choosing your jeans. Curvy women with luscious hips will look too wide or big in those slim-fit or skinny jeans. Instead, try boot-cut or flare legs that balance out the look of your hour-glass shape. Stay away from tiny back pockets or no pockets at all. They will make the backside look larger than it is. Bigger back pockets will help to balance the figure as long as they are flat and don't have embellishments that stick out. If you want to highlight your curves, stick with jeans that hit just below the belly button. But stay away from low-rise and baggy jeans that will simply make your backside look even larger. Stay away from jeans that hit too high on the waist as well as and jeans that are skinny and bunch up at the ankles. Those features will accent the width of the hips. Women with few body curves need to throw in some with the right style of jean. Look for jeans that create the illusion of curves. This body shape is perfect for slim-cut and skinny jeans because they focus the attention downward toward the ankles. High waisted styles will also help to bring attention to any curve that might exist. Women with this shape can also wear jeans with embellishments that avert attention there and away from a boyish figure. Cargo pockets are another way of adding come of those "fake" curves. Avoid baggy jeans, however, and those that flare too wide at the bottom. They will make the figure look too skinny and lifeless.


Consider your size in choosing the right jean. While thinner or average sized women can get away with a lot, larger women have to be more cautious in choosing their jeans. In particular, women with a less than flat stomach need to look for a jean with around 4 percent Lycra. The stretch will help to hold the stomach in while still allowing for comfort. Some jeans come with built in shapers to give women with larger stomachs more support.


Pay attention to the denim fabric. Not all denim in equal. Excessively thick denim will add pounds that you might not want. Look for medium to lighter weight denims. Thinner women can wear heavier embellishments than larger women. Average size to slightly larger women can get away with some embroidery or painted designs but may wish to avoid heavy or thick embellishment. The larger the woman, the less details should be used.


Pay attention to the "wash" and/or color of the denim. The darker the color or wash, the slimmer the overall look will be. On the flip side, lighter washed denims can add the illusion of weight and/or bulk. A solid wash over the denim will help to lengthen the overall look. This is good for most women. On the other hand, a sand washed or striated look can cut the length severely; something short women will want to avoid. Thin women who want to add curves should look for jeans that are colored lighter around the thighs and hips. This will add the illusion of curves.


Look for jean brands that specialize in multiple sizes, shapes, cuts, types and styles so that you can find ones that work with your figure type. Also keep in mind your budget. Jeans range in price from $20 to hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Finally, consider whether you want plain or embellished jeans. Some good jeans to research include 7 for All Mankind; Denim & Company; DG2 Jeans; Just My Size; Hudson; iT;
Jeanology; Levis Red; Lucky; Paige Premium Denim; Quacker Factory;
William Rast; and Wrangler 47.

Tips & Warnings

You don't necessarily have to pay premium dollars for jeans that fit.

Dark wash or indigo jeans work for everyone.

If you are trying to match jeans to a jacket or skirt, take the item with you to pick out the matching jeans.

Designers are not the only ones who make a great pair of jeans. In fact, oftentimes, standard denim makers like Levi and Wrangler better understand what people want and need in a jean.

Keep embellishments to a minimum so that you won't tire of the jeans too quickly.

Don't settle for anything less than the jeans that you want.

Don't let the price alone make your decision for you.

Don't buy jeans just because they are inexpensive. If they don't fit like a million dollars, steer clear of them.

Stay away from trendy styles that are likely to pass quickly. Go for classic styles that will last as long as the jeans themselves.

How to Find Fashion Bargains Online

How to Find Fashion Bargains Online

When looking at magazines like Vogue, Jane or Cosmo, it can seem impossible to achieve the looks that many of the magazines advertise on their glossy pages. Luckily, there are tons of resources online that offer great deals on the best styles.


Search outlets. These are sites that sell designer clothes, bags and


for nearly nothing. They can be your best ally. Check out these sites to add some zing to your wardrobe. See,,


Seek online fashion specialists. Look for sites that specialize in cordoning fashion heavy-hitters at sub-retail prices, saving you hundreds of dollars and many hours of mall walking. See,


Look for cheap fashion. While choosing the right key pieces from designers is a necessity, closet staples can easily be found at nearly any self-respecting clothing store. See,,


See what the bloggers have to say--when in doubt, ask people that obsess. A number of blogs across the blogosphere specialize in pointing out great deals as they happen. Life moves pretty fast, if you don't look around once in a while you might miss something (thank you, Ferris Bueller). See,,

How to Find Dresses for Busty Women

How to Find Dresses for Busty Women

Busty women often dread shopping for a dress for formal events. It seems as if most dresses were designed for stick figures with nothing up top. If you are busty, you should keep the following in mind when shopping for a dress.


Find a little black dress. A black dress can be a busty girl's best friend. Black doesn't over accentuate your chest and you can find many styles of dresses in basic black.


Consider a v-neck or jewel neckline for your dress. These necklines work best for the busty woman. If you want to show a little cleavage, opt for the v-neck. Women who prefer more coverage for their breasts should pick out a dress with a jewel neckline.


Pick a dress with an empire waist. Empire waistlines fall just under the breasts. This style shows off your bust while hiding other figure flaws.


Look for a dress with a polyester and spandex blend. These breathable dresses look and feel nice against your skin. Steer away from dresses made from materials that cling to your breasts.


Try on dresses before you make your final purchase. The best way to find your dress is to try on the gowns at the store. If you look and feel comfortable, then the dress is the right one for you.

Tips & Warnings

Don't purchase dresses that have a button front. Busty women often find it difficult to keep the buttons closed.

Don't get a strapless dress. They provide no support and you will feel as if you are falling out of it.

How to Find Discount Designer Shoes

How to Find Discount Designer Shoes

Some women are to shoes like fleas to stray
. Completely dependent. Rarely does one encounter a woman who is not having an intense love affair with designer shoes. Luckily, ladies also love a good deal. Find the fortresses of discount designer shoes using these bargain-hunting strategies.


Shop online. EBay is a tremendously popular haven for discount designer footwear. Many shoppers consider EBay a trusted source for significantly reduced designer shoes. In addition to EBay, there are hundreds of retail websites dedicated to selling designer shoes at a cheap price. But remember-you can't try a shoe on for size if you purchase over the Internet.


Visit discount department stores. Nationwide popular chains like Marshall's, TJMaxx, Ross Dress for Less and Burlington Coat Factory often stock marked down couture clogs. Additionally, the famous shoe warehouse DSW (Designer Shoe Warehouse) has a presence in 36 states, making it accessible (and affordable) to most in the United States.


Consider consignment, Goodwill or Salvation Army. Most towns have at least one consignment store, and this is not a bad place to search for shoes. Most wealthy families deposit last season's styles at a local organization like Goodwill. If you don't mind sharing shoes with another pair of feet, designer flats and heels can cost you as little as $5.


Head to the outlet malls. It would be wonderful if we could all afford to shop at Nordstrom, Neiman Marcus and Saks 5th Avenue. Luckily, all of these fancy stores have outlet versions-Nordstrom Rack, Neiman Marcus Outlet and Off 5th, respectively. Any outlet version of an upscale department store usually offers discounted inventory.


Sign up for coupons and mail-outs for your favorite stores and designers. Thanks to the fleeting nature of high fashion, shoes usually go on clearance at some point. It sure will help to have your 20-percent-off coupon handy when the designer clearance event is announced.

Tips & Warnings

Join a discussion forum, blog or email listserv for a group of people interested in shoe shopping. As they say, "put your heads together" to find more discounts and share valuable tips. For example, Yahoo's YahooGroups program has groups for almost anything you could possibly imagine.

How to Find Discount Designer Jeans

How to Find Discount Designer Jeans

True Religion, Diesel and Seven are all super hot designer jeans that don't have to be super hard on the pocketbook. Read on to learn how to find discount designer jeans.

Things You'll Need:

Spending money

An eye for a bargain

Online access (optional)


Head for the clearance rack. Not everyone can afford $100 jeans. But there's always a chance prices will be marked down at a trendy boutique or department store and the perfect pair of designer jeans can be found hanging on the clearance rack.


Shop consignment stores that are well known for stocking designer name brand denim. These stores carry gently used jeans at discount prices and usually have racks upon racks of designer labels to peruse.


Go online. Sites such as eBay and Overstock sell discounted designer jeans with the tags still attached and the original prices slashed. Many online shopping sites allow consumers to browse by brand to make designer jean shopping even easier.

Tips & Warnings

Get to know designer jean styles, logos and signature embellishments to spot name brand denim when shopping at stores and online.

Shop for discount designer denim as the seasons change to find clearance items as stores update their inventories.

Don't be afraid to ask for a deal on jeans at consignment shops or second-hand stores.

Don't be tricked by paying top dollar for counterfeit designer jeans.

How to Find Designer Sample Sales in Los Angeles

How to Find Designer Sample Sales in Los Angeles

Nothing makes a dedicated shopper happier than finding fabulous designer originals at sale prices and there's no better place for it in

than the California Market Center. Featuring more than 1,000 to-the-trade showrooms on 13 floors, it's the center of the West Coast fashion industry, where buyers purchase LA Designer's lines for department stores and boutiques across the country. Usually the building is only open to wholesale buyers, but on the last Friday of every month as well as every Friday from Thanksgiving to
, the public is invited in to shop for samples and over-runs at up to 80 percent off retail prices. It isn't only the best place in town to find unbelievable bargains on the latest fashions from some of city's top designers, it's like taking a backstage tour of the Los Angeles fashion industry.

Things You'll Need:

Comfortable walking shoes. This place is enormous.

How to Find Designer Sample Sales in Los Angeles


The California Market Center is located at 110 East 9th Street at the corner of Olympic and Main Streets in downtown Los Angeles. The campus is comprised of three buildings containing more than 1,000 showrooms on thirteen floors interconnected by a series of interior bridges and escalators. Hours of operation are 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and samples sales are held on the last Friday of every month as well as every Friday from Thanksgiving to Christmas. Parking is available in an underground, on-site garage at rates of $4.00 per hour with an $18.00 maximum.


From sportswear to couture, cutting edge to traditional, for men and women, you'll find it here. There are also luxury gifts and housewares, outerwear and accessories available for sale. While reductions can be enormous, this is high-end merchandise and most prices are in the hundreds of dollars, marked down from the thousands. Whether you're looking for a an outfit to wow 'em on a red carpet or something sexy to go clubbing or even top-of-the-line

, this is where you can snap it up without mortgaging your future.


Not every showroom is open to the public. It's up to each vendor whether or not to open their doors although most open up at some point when they have samples and over-runs to dispose of. Not all showrooms have goods in all sizes and many items are sample sizes only.


Sample sales are only allowed when the timing does not conflict with a major market event, when retailers shop the market for future deliveries to their stores. Call in advance at (213) 630-3600 to confirm whether a sample sale is actually being held on a particular Friday.

Tips & Warnings

Wear comfortable shoes and prepare to do a lot of walking.

Call in advance to make sure a sample sale is happening on a particular Friday.

Customer service isn't a forte here. You may get some attitude but laugh it off and console yourself with your incredible deals.