How to Make Aspirin

How to Make Aspirin

The small aspirin tablets you purchase at the grocery store are a synthetic version of a natural remedy used for thousands of years to relieve pain and reduce fevers. With evidence that Native Americans, as well as early Europeans, extracted salicylates from varieties of willow
, the common aspirin today has a long history. By using various methods of extraction, you can make your own natural aspirin.

Things You'll Need:

White willow tree bark

Dried white willow bark powder



Kitchen pan and utensils

Fine mesh strainer

Small dark glass bottle with stopper


Gather the fresh and supple branches of the white willow tree where it thrives, usually near a source of water. These are the easiest to harvest and you can nip or cut them and store them in a zip-type plastic bag until you get home. Learn more about the properties of the White Willow tree (see resources).


Wash the branches thoroughly and cut into small sections before crushing the stems to expose the inner bark.


Measure the bark pieces and use half that amount of water. For instance, if you have two cups of white willow bark chunks, you will use one cup of water.


Boil water in a pan and remove from heat. Immediately add the willow branch chunks and cover with a tight-fitting lid. Allow the mixture to sit, undisturbed for a couple of hours.


Strain and save the liquid in a dark glass bottle in the refrigerator. This simple natural aspirin tincture keeps up to one week.


Use vodka instead of water for a stronger salicylate extract. It takes longer to make but has a shelf life of one year. Instead of boiling, pack the willow chunks tightly in a glass canning jar and add enough vodka just to cover the bark. Fit with a tight lid and store in a dark cool location (not the refrigerator) for three weeks. Drain and pour the liquid into a dark glass bottle and store away from heat and sunlight.


Open and stir one capsule of dried white willow bark, found at health food stores, in a cup of water or tea. Willow bark has a bitter, disagreeable taste, so add a little honey if it’s difficult to drink.


Learn to use accepted herbal methods for extracting beneficial salicylates from White Willow. Herbalists use not only extracts made from the bark and powdered bark, they create decoctions, infusions and tinctures, depending upon the desired strength of the product and the items on hand (see resources).

Tips & Warnings

Take safety precautions. The bark of the white willow contains salicylates that are absorbed through the skin. Some people are allergic to natural aspirin; even touching the bark may result in redness and a rash. If you have symptoms of a salicylate allergy, do not make or consume natural aspirin products.

Avoid giving natural aspirin to
under 18. Just like its synthetic cousin, the salicylates in natural aspirin can increase the risk of Reye’s syndrome in children.

How to Make Arthritis Rub.

How to Make Arthritis Rub.

Arthritis pain can slow down a day and herbal rub can really help with pain. However, homemade arthritis rub can have the same benefits. Follow the steps below to make your own.

Things You'll Need:

14 drops lavender essential oil

10 drops Rosemary essential oil

8 drops Peppermint essential oil

6 drops juniper essential oil

1tsp. Carrot seed oil

2tbls. St. John's Wort oil

2 tbs. vegetable oil.

Small glass bottle(larger then 2 oz).


Pour the essential oils into the glass bottle.


Add the carrot seed to the bottle and mix well.


Add the St. John's Wort and the vegetable oil to the bottle.


Shake the bottle gently to mix and label.

Tips & Warnings

To use, add a small amount mixture to painful or swollen joints two to three times a day while in pain.

Many people that use this recipe report the homemade arthritis rub has the same or better effects of the store bought brand.

Soothing and cooling effects should happen withing a few minutes of use.

How to make a tea that is great for when you have a soar throat or running nose

How to make a tea that is great for when you have a soar throat or running nose

this tea always helps me when im sick so i hope it helps you too.

Things You'll Need:

2 cups of water

1 big pinch of chamomile

1 euclaliptus leave

1 pinch of mullein flowers

1 cinamon stick

1/2 cup of dried oregano


put the water on a saucepan or any pan where you usually boil water.


the put all of the other ingredients in the sauce pan. feel free to add a s much oregano as you like. remember the the key ingridient here is oregano.


turn the stove on to high/medium, then let it come to a boil.


once it is boiling turn off the stove. then place a cup on the table and place a powder sugar spoon or a small colander on top of the cup and carefully and slowly pour the hot water over the colander. remember that the water is very hot so be careful not to burn yourself. once you have seperated the ingredients and the water you can add sugar or honey if desired to give it a sweet taste.

How to Make a Tea Blend for Healthy Bones

How to Make a Tea Blend for Healthy Bones

As we age, there is the worry that our bones will become brittle and unhealthy. Granted, much of our bone health relies on how they developed when we were
. However, a diet that is rich in the proper nutrients can help us increase our bone health even today.

The problem is that our modern diet tends to be depleted of these minerals. Of course, we could always take mineral supplements. However, I much prefer to drink tea to get what I need. It's a lot easier on my stomach.

To help, I've come up with a tea blend that is designed to keep the bones healthy and strong.

Things You'll Need:

2 tbsp. Stinging nettle leaves

2 tbsp. Oatstraw

1 tbsp. Silica

1 tbsp. Spearmint leaves

1 tbsp. Chamomile flowers

1 tsp. Sage leaves

Airtight container


Make sure you find the best herbs you can. You may have a favorite herbal shop in your area. I personally order the herbs online at Mountain Rose Herbs. I've included a link in Resources below.


In a small mixing bowl, add all of the herbs. Stir gently with a wooden spoon.


Transfer herbs to the airtight container and store in a cool, dry place.


When it comes time to make a cup of tea, pour one cup of boiling water over one teaspoon of the dried herb. Let it steep for 15 to 20 minutes before drinking. You can sweeten it with honey if you like.

Tips & Warnings

Always choose the best herbs that you can find.

You may want to shake the container slightly once you put it in the container.

If you need help finding the herbs listed, I've provided a link to my favorite supplier in Resources below.

If you feel as if your bones are getting brittle, be sure to see a doctor and let him or her know about this tea blend.

How to Make a Stress Ball

How to Make a Stress Ball

Stress balls help relieve stress while improving circulation. These are easy and economical to make.

Things You'll Need:

Helium quality balloon

Plastic juice bottle (the size of a pop bottle)

Kitchen scissors

Approximately 1/3 cup whole wheat flour

Plastic spoon or fork

(Optional) Permanent Marker

(Optional) Yarn


Create a funnel by cutting off the top of a plastic juice bottle with kitchen scissors.


Open the end of the balloon rolling it up the top of the opening of the plastic bottle as far as possible creating a snug fit.


Measure out approximately 1/3 cup of flour pouring it through your makeshift funnel directly into the balloon' s opening.


Use the handle of your plastic ware, or wooden spoon to gently slide the corn meal down into the belly of the balloon until you reach your
desired fullness, kneading the neck of the balloon moving the meal into the belly of the balloon.


Pinch the neck of the balloon, moving the remaining flour into the balloon, as you carefully remove the funnel from the opening.


Tie the end of the balloon tightly in a knot.


Draw a face on your balloon, if desired. This is where you get to be creative. Tie yarn around the knot to create a wild hairdo.

Tips & Warnings

You can draw a face or write a short message with a permanent marker.

If creating stress balls with
scissors need to be used with supervision, and balloons can be hazardous for small children.

How to Make a Spring Liver Cleanse Tea

How to Make a Spring Liver Cleanse Tea

Even though I am not a proponent of cleanses and fasts, I believe that spring is the season when we need to be nice to our livers. The winter is filled with heavy eating and holiday drinking. And even when it is several months behind us, our livers are still a little frazzled. If this is the case, this is a barrier that will prevent you from losing the extra winter weight.

Instead of "cleansing" or "detoxing" I prefer to take care of the liver gently--so I create a tea blend with dried herbs that is designed to do just that. Read on for how to prepare it yourself.

Things You'll Need:

2 tbsp. stinging nettle leaves

2 tbsp. dandelion leaves

1 tbsp. burdock root

1 tbsp. spearmint

Sweetner of choice (optional)

Boiling Water

Small bowl


Airtight container


Add all of the ingredients to the bowl and mix gently with the chopsticks.


Transfer to an airtight container--preferably made of glass and dark in color.


Cover tightly and store in a cool, dry place.


When it is time to make the tea, steep 1.5 teaspoons for every cup of boiling water. Strain, sweeten to taste and enjoy!

Tips & Warnings

Make sure the herbs are high quality.

You can pick your own dandelion leaves before the plant flowers. Just dry them out before you put them in the tea.

You can also take milk thistle capsules to supplement the tea.

If you suspect something is seriously wrong with your liver, see a doctor.

How to Make a Sleep Aid Sachet

How to Make a Sleep Aid Sachet

If you toss and turn and have trouble falling asleep, this herbal sachet will help. Many of the herbs, namely Valerian and
, have soothing, calming properties to help you relax and are natural sleep remedies. Not only is it fragrant, it is a healthy alternative to sleeping pills and other medicines.Stick this sachet under your pillow for sweet, restful slumber.

Things You'll Need:

1 cup mugwort

1/2 cup rose petals

1/4 cup lemon balm seeds

1/4 cup flax seed

1/3 cup lavender buds

1/3 cup crushed catnip

1/4 cup valerian

1/4 cup peppermint

10 drops lavender essential oil

Large organza or cotton cloth bag or two pieces of 6 X 12 cloth to make a bag





Mix mugwort, rose petals, lemon balm seed, flax seed, lavender buds,
, valerian and peppermint together in a bowl.


Plan to sew three sides together, leaving the top of the bag open, if you're making the bag. Make seams by folding 1/2 inch under on each side and sew together.


Stuff herbal mixture inside bag. Add 10 drops of lavender essential oil.


Gather the top of the bag together and tie tightly with ribbon. If desired, you may sew the top of the bag and create a pillow instead.


Put the sachet under your pillow.

Tips & Warnings

To refresh your sachet, untie the top of the bag and add fresh drops of essential oil every month or so. Or you can apply the drops directly to the bag and let it dry. Experiment with
, cinnamon and lemon balm oils. These oils have soothing and relaxing properties.

If allergic to any of the herbs, do not use.